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Results found: 17

Location : Quebec City


Location : Montreal

Contre-maître en ébénisterie

Envie de nouveaux horizons et de projets ambitieux, Vous appréciez un environnement stimulant où vous pourrez développer votre plein potentiel ?

Location : Bromont

Process Engineer/Scientist (M/F)

Are you resourceful and know how to rise to Challenges? You are autonomous, dynamic and you have good analytical skills?

Location : Drummondville

Gestionnaire de Programmes

Vous êtes un vrai chef d'orchestre lorsqu'il s'agit de tenir des projets ? Vous aimez évoluer dans un environnement qui vous offre l’opportunité de grandir grâce à de nombreux défis ?

Location : Montreal

Mechanical engineer

Are you an expert in mechanical design and looking for new challenges? Do you want to put your expertise and skills to work for a company specializing in automation equipment and software?

Location : Montreal

Sales Project Manager

Are you a good leader? You have technical sales skills for industrial systems? You wish to develop your knowledge in waste management and recycling by interacting with experts in the field?

Location : Saint-Georges

Automation and robotics specialist

Are you an expert in automation and robotics and looking for new challenges? Do you want to put your expertise and skills to work for industrial companies? You aspire to join a multidisciplinary, young and dynamic team?

Location : Montreal

Industrial engineer

Are you passionate about production optimization and continuous improvement? Are you a specialist in manufacturing optimization? You like to work in a team and evolve in a multicultural and inclusive environment?

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